Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
College Uniform
Bishop Milner Catholic College uniform is available to purchase from:
Crested School Wear, Dudley
Unit 14 Churchill Shopping Centre, Dudley
Telephone Number: 01384 918330
Totally Uniform, Kingswinford
Unit 2 Park Street, Kingswinford
Telephone Number: 01384 270498
Students may continue to wear older style P.E kit until such time as it requires replacement, however, all new students and replacement items must be taken from our new range.
PE kit will be personalised to the student with their surname or initials. Nicknames or initials that are not in line with the students legal or known name will not be allowed. We hope that by having students’ names and initials on items there is reduced chance of losing kits, it also enables the P.E department to use the kits for sporting fixtures.
T-shirt with college badge and surname on the back
¼ Zip midlayer with college badge and printed initials
Boy Shorts with printed initials
Tracksuit bottoms with college badge and printed initials
Girls skorts with printed initials
Plain black sports socks
Sports trainers, not fashion pumps or high-tops, MUGA appropriate trainers
Students who opts to take P.E in years 10 and 11 a further kit choice is available, this can only be ordered when students have successfully been accepted onto the Key Stage 4 course.
Before each unit students will be advised as to the appropriate kit needed for that particular activity.
Activity, facilities and environmental conditions will determine the choice of appropriate kit.
All items of kit must be named.
Failure to bring full correct kit, including any missing items of kit, will be recorded on ClassCharts. The student will receive 1 warning then further offences will result in whole college detentions of 30 minutes being issued.
Hockey is covered from Year 7 and national guidelines recommend the wearing of personalised mouth guards and shin pads. Woollen gloves can be worn in cold weather, no hats.
Football is covered as a curricular activity in both key stages and throughout the college in extra-curricular time. When participating students must wear shin pads; football boots are only required when using the football pitches adjacent to the college. Astro Trainers or Moulded Studs are always worn for football sessions on our All-Weather Surface.
At the end of the college day students must leave the campus in full college uniform. Where a student participates in an extra-curricular PE activity the student may be dismissed in PE uniform.
For GCSE PE students, failure to bring theory folders to lesson or hand in homework will be treated in the same way as ‘no kit’ offences.
Shoes (ending BELOW the ankle) MUST be black and low-heeled and of normal college pattern. All footwear must fit securely and give proper support to the feet to meet our Health and Safety requirements. BOOTS, SANDALS, SLINGBACKS, PLATFORMS AND FLATFORMS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
NO leather trainers or leisure shoes are permitted including brands such as Vans, Converse or other sports brands.
NO hoodies/tracksuit or sports tops.
NO jewellery (other than those worn for religious purposes, for example students may wear a Sikh Kara or a small cross and chain under their blouse/shirt but this must be removed for P.E)
NO earrings, spacers or retainers.
NO badges (other than those approved by the college) may be worn.
NO nail varnish or false nails.
NO noticeable, obvious or excessive make-up (college’s discretion and students will be expected to remove).
Conventional hairstyle which in its length and style is acceptable to the college. Hair should be ‘smart and professional’. The college will use its discretion in determining this but will not accept eyebrow slits, shavings, lines, outlandish colourings, extreme partings or extreme variations in length. Any hair accessories must be conservative, anything outlandish will be challenged.
A plain white round necked T-shirt may be worn underneath the shirt for warmth in cold weather.
Grey V-neck jumper with College name embroidered.
Outdoor coat/jacket must be plain black, grey or navy (not leather, denim or corduroy). NOT to be worn inside classrooms.
Plain black scarves, gloves.
NO Football scarves, football hats, baseball caps or durags are to be worn on College grounds. Key stage 3 and 4 students must be clean shaven.
PE Uniform