Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"

Sixth Form
Hi I'm Nick Richards and with over 12 years' experience of Post 16 leadership, I am proud to be Head of Sixth Form at Bishop Milner. We are delighted to be able to offer you the opportunity to join one of the few school based Sixth Form’s in the borough and as a Catholic college, proud of the ethos that runs through the entire school from KS3 all the way up to KS5. Our facilities are fantastic; creating an environment focused on supporting students in the next step of their educational journey. Due to our size, we are able to develop that personal touch with our students, knowing them on an individual level. This helps us guide them on their academic journey whilst also offering any pastoral support they may require. We offer a range of enriching opportunities and experiences focused on developing well rounded students that have a selection of Post 18 options available to them when they leave. We are extremely proud of all out students and know they are proud to say they attend Bishop Milner Sixth Form.
Mr Nick Richards
Head of Sixth Form