Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
Our Personal Development
At Bishop Milner Catholic College we place equal importance on the academic, spiritual and social development of all students. The personal development and well-being of our students runs throughout College life.
The Personal Development Curriculum
We are incredibly proud of our challenging and engaging personal development curriculum. Students receive once fortnightly lessons that focus on a wide range of age-appropriate and contextual issues. Each year group follows a different learning journey and all are asked to stop and reflect on their learning and thoughts in their reflection booklets
The SAINT Curriculum (Tutor time)
At Bishop Milner Catholic College, we recognise that the relationship between the student and tutor is precious. We have a bold and engaging tutor time programme that is rooted in the teachings of the church and allows our students to journey with their tutor in investigating and discussing a wide range of topics
SMSVC– Social, moral, spiritual, social, vocational, cultural – A different topic is explored each week
Act of prayer and liturgy – The year group gathers together in prayer and reflection with a weekly focus
Investing in me – A day for tutors to catch up with their tutees and for Year 11 students to invest in specific academic skills and vocabulary.
News- Tutor groups spend this time discussing and investigating weekly news stories.
The Day: Read and Reflect – Wide ranging and age appropriate reading modelled by tutor and discussed by the tutor group.
RSHE (Relationships, sex and health education)
As a college we have a statutory responsibility to deliver RSHE education to our students. RSHE is delivered through our personal development curriculum, SAINT curriculum and through our RE and Science curriculums. We our committed to delivering an ambitious and age-appropriate curriculum that is founded in the teachings of the Catholic Church and prepares our students with the knowledge and skills for life in 21st Century Britain.
The RSHE curriculum at Bishop Milner uses a wide range of resources that allow our students to discover and discuss the topics they encounter. Much of the curriculum is supported by TenTen resources and we are proud of the curriculum being individually tailored for each year group.
The TenTen Parent Portal can be accessed to support the teaching of PSHE and RSHE at home: