Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
Our Lay Chaplain
We are incredibly lucky to have Miss Chimuka Mudenda, our Lay Chaplain, helping to lead on the Catholic Life of the college and working across the St John Bosco MAC
Chimuka brings a wide wealth of knowledge and experience to the role and has had a very successful experience working across Diocese Pilgrimages and retreats such as in Lourdes and Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023.
Chimuka has many different responsibilities here at Bishop Milner. Some include...
Leading the Chaplaincy Team
Working with students to plan and celebrate acts of Catholic Worship
Coordinating the prayer life of the college
Managing our LiveSimply award
This lists just a few of the many roles carried out. The staff here at Bishop Milner are always open to working with ALL students to support them in engaging in and leading on Catholic Life. If you see our Lay Chaplain around college and you have some ideas, please stop and speak with her, she’ll be more than happy to work with you.

Miss Mudenda
Lay Chaplain