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Local Governors

The regional Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the successful delivery by the Principals of the day to day operational matters affecting the daily life of the schools as delegated by the Board of Directors.
We act as a ‘critical friend’ to the schools, it is our job to decide we are satisfied with the answers and ensure the right action and measures are then taken. Governors monitor progress of students in each individual schools and report on progress, ensuring accountability between the leadership teams of the schools and ourselves who are accountable to parents/carers and the wider community.

Secondary School Board

Christine Ives

Chair of Governors

Laura Dunne

Vice Chair

Tina Gallagher

Foundation Governor

Ed Masterson

Foundation Governor

James Hannon

Staff Governor 

Rachel Pratt

Staff Governor

Rajesh Patel

Parent Governor

Amman Ahmed

Associate Governor

Governance Documentation

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