Bishop Milner Catholic College

"Inspiring hearts and minds with Christ at the centre of all we say and do"
Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is funding provided by the Government to help support disadvantaged children. It aims to raise attainment and aspirations of children from low income or otherwise disadvantaged backgrounds. The funding is used by individual schools according to the individual needs of those pupils are eligible.
Who is eligible?
Children from Reception to Year 11 who are from low income families and are eligible for Free School Meals. If you have not applied for Free School Meals but think you might be eligible, please use the link below. Children who have been on Free School Meals in the last 6 years, children who have parents in the Armed Forces and children who are ‘Looked After Children’ are also eligible. As from April 2014, children who have been adopted are also eligible.
How have we used it?
We use the funding in a wide variety of ways, as can be seen in the ‘Pupil Premium Report. Brief examples include employing a coordinator, along with a literacy specialist. Research has shown that literacy and language are very often one of the major factors in the gap between children who are eligible for Pupil Premium and those who aren’t, so we are able to use these specialists to provide small group support for those where a need has been identified with regard to numeracy or literacy. We have also used the funding to provide one to one tuition where appropriate, provide ICT equipment, employ Theatre in Education groups, provide other resources (such as equipment) for pupils as needed, bought Kindles to support reading, fund bus passes and other individual interventions to improve progress. For further information about this, please see the documents available to download which show how the money has been spent in the previous academic year and the planned spending for the current academic year.
What can I do?
You can ensure that if you think your child might be eligible for Free School Meals, you have applied. If you would be interested in partaking in a discussion forum which considers how Pupil Premium is spent at our college, please contact Mr M Hambrook on the main college number. If your child is adopted and you have not already told us, please let us know.